Friday, February 6, 2009

Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?

Karl Fisch, a teacher and technology education specialist at Arapahoe High School in Littleton, Colorado, won an award form EduBlog Awards for his blog post "Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?" It was nominated as "The Most Influential Post of 2007". Fisch said he didn't expected to win a thing, not even did he expect to be nominated. He was actually responding to a post written by Terry Freedman. Freedman wrote a post about 'is it acceptable for a teacher to be technology illiterate?' And Freedman also proposed a set standards for teachers.

I really enjoyed reading Fisch's post. It was very enlightening to me. I totally agree with Fisch. I agree that teachers should and need to be very familiar with today's technology and so the technology that is to come, because there will be more, better, and faster technology. If teachers aren't educated upon technology, I don't believe teachers(we) will not be able to grasp the attention of most students, let alone teach them a lesson. Teachers have to be able to win students over form video games, ipods, mp3 players, myspace, and there are so many others that I could name but they will probably take up my entire blog. As teachers, we have to be knowledgeable about the latest technology available and we desire to educate our students about the technology and the different ways to use them.

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