The Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators, and Students Statewide (ACCESS) Program is a Distance Learning program for students. It provides opportunities and options for Alabama public high school students to engage in Advanced Placement (AP), elective, and other courses to which they may not otherwise have access. The students are allowed to take Advanced Placement courses during regular school hours through a web-based program, one-on-one lectures, and recently added, the students are now able learn through interactive video conference with their teachers.
By visiting, one could learn more about ACCESS and how it can accommodate you, your child, and/or student(s). The website has different tabs that you can go under such as About ACCESS, Courses, Students, Educators, Parents, Contact Us, Help, and
Resources. Under About ACCESS, it describes the ACCESS program; under the Courses tab, it identifies the courses that are available through ACCESS; in the Students tab, it tells the students what type of activities and devices they should look forward to doing and using, it also shows the students were classes will be held; under the Educators tab, teachers who are interested in teaching in the Distance Learning program may see what jobs are available; under the Parents tab, it describes ACCESS for the parents, lets them know what their child will be learning, and where the classes will be held and where they are offered; under the Contact Us tab there is information such as telephone and email addresses which one can use to contact someone who works for ACCESS; the Help tab has
frequently asked questions; and the Resources tab identifies the type of exams and tests the students will be taking. One can also take a look at a powerpoint on ACCESS at: The powerpoint gives good information on ACCESS as well but in a simpliest form.
The ACCESS program will be usefull to me because I am able to inform my future students and their parents about the program, for those students who want to take Advanceplacement Classes. It will also be usefull to me if I ever decide to teach a Distance Learning class.